UFSC Satellite (Florianópolis, Brazil)#


​ USFC, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil ​

Format: In-person#

​ We plan to reserve a room at the university of Florianópolis to watch the tutorials and work on the project. However, we will allow students to participate remotely in case they are not conformable with the in person setup.

Applicants profile: Local students#

The goal is to give local students who believe are not ready to apply to the main OHW, or applied multiple times and were not selected, a chance to participate.


  1. We will watch all the broadcasted tutorials

  2. The project will be a hack session with a local buoy data

  3. We will encourage students to communicate with the main event and other satellite events to augment their OHW experience.


Filipe Fernandes

Filipe Fernandes

Research Software Engineer - NOAA IOOS

If you have general questions about the event at UFSC, please ask them in Github Discussions. Please tag the organizers with @oceanhackweek/ohw22-organizers-brazil and add a OHW22 - Brazil label so that others can find answers about the satellite.